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Reducing HIV/AIDS in Adolescents and Young people (RHAY) conference is a unique conference that aims to meaningfully involve Adolescents and Young People (AYP) in identifying solutions and measures to reduce HIV/AIDS among them. The conference’s other co-conveners are Impact Research and Development Organization (IRDO) and Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI).

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We involve men too in advocacy, especially local motorbike riders, realizing that as key members of the society and the girls’ fathers, partners, brothers and uncles, they too need to take a stand and advocate against societal ills affecting girls such as teenage pregnancies.

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In 2018, in partnership with PLAN International, we held the maiden Kisumu County Girls’ Summit, a summit that brought together adolescent girls and young women, various stakeholders,

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To meet our beneficiaries at their points of need and alleviate the impacts of COVID-19, NIGEE, with the support of the American Jewish World Service, Global Fund for Children, Mundo Cooperante, and EMPower Foundation, distributed 1,380 dignity packs to needy girls across the four counties we work in. Each pack contained 6 packets of sanitary towels, 4 bar soaps, medium-sized petroleum jelly, a 140g tab of toothpaste, 1 piece of toothbrush, four rolls of tissue paper, and one piece of branded washable facemask. Distributing the pack released household income to cater for other competing needs such as food and rent.

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We conduct various community advocacy forums targeting duty bearers, private sector representatives and other opinion leaders, discussing topics around girls’ education, empowerment and sexual reproductive health and rights. These forums are held in realization that since the duty bearers are responsible for the formulation of the laws and policies as well as their implementation, they need to be engaged at various levels to inform these policies. 

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We conduct girls’ forums, where girls are taught key life skills. There are sessions where girls are mentored together and sessions where they are divided into junior and senior teams. The junior team is taken through topics such as children's rights, personal hygiene, and class discipline while the senior team is taken through topics such as boy/girl relationships, menstrual hygiene, and career paths.

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NIGEE partners with like-minded civil society organizations to mark international days, such as International Women’s day, International day of the African child, 16 days of activism against gender-based violence, International youth day, World AIDS day among others. We use these platforms to further advocate for girls’ education, empowerment, and rights.

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In 2020, we held a football tournament in Ombeyi location, providing a multifaceted platform that advocated for girls’ education as well as provided the much-needed sexual reproductive health services and counseling.


logologoNyanza Initiative for Girls' Education & Empowerment is an organisation that envisions a society and a future of self-determining and self-reliant girls and women.


P.O. Box 7979-40100, Ogango Road, OFF Kondele-Kibos Road, infront of Golden Elites Primary School. Kisumu, Kenya.
Phone: +254110 475 879

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