

GIRLS EMPOWERMENT CENTRE (GEC) - ‘Wacha Wasichana Wasome’ NIGEE received funding from French Embassy, Star Foundation (With and For girls), Globalgiving in 2016 and 2018

to build a Girls’ Empowerment Centre (GEC) which shall be an innovative learning and transition centre for the teen mothers with their children within the informal settlements of Kisumu town. The construction of the GEC is currently ongoing and we plan to launch it before the end of the year.

PART3    PART4   



logologoNyanza Initiative for Girls' Education & Empowerment is an organisation that envisions a society and a future of self-determining and self-reliant girls and women.


P.O. Box 7979-40100, Ogango Road, OFF Kondele-Kibos Road, infront of Golden Elites Primary School. Kisumu, Kenya.
Phone: +254110 475 879

Email : info@nigee.org


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