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 How to partner

  1. Volunteering
  2. Donations
  • Individual Local and Diaspora donors: These can be monthly, annual, one-off or intermittently, as one is comfortable with.
  • Corporate Entities: Foundations, Societies can consider us in their corporate social responsibility plans by donating or supporting any of our activities.  
  • Sponsor-A-Girl: Be a friend of NIGEE, sponsor a girl or a number of girls, for one term, one year or the four high school years, as one is comfortable with. This will release resources, allowing us to support more girls.
  • Non-monetary support:

Individuals and corporates can:

  1. Donate textbooks, exercise books, uniforms, sanitary towels, shoes and other learning materials and personal effects for the girls.
  2. Volunteer as mentors and role models to support girls in their education and empowerment activities.
  3. School administrations can partially of fully waive fees for our girls in their schools, thereby freeing resources to support more girls.

How to donate

  • PayPal, as indicated on the website.
  • Through bank account
    • Bank: Housing Finance
    • Branch: Kisumu
    • A/c Name: Nyanza Initiative for Girls’ Education and Empowerment
    • A/c Number: 7040000257
  • Through PayBill

Go to Mpesa => Lipan a M-Pesa =>PayBill=> Enter number 100400 => Enter account number 7040000257

          = >Enter amount => Enter Mpesa Pin => Press OK.


logologoNyanza Initiative for Girls' Education & Empowerment is an organisation that envisions a society and a future of self-determining and self-reliant girls and women.


P.O. Box 7979-40100, Ogango Road, OFF Kondele-Kibos Road, infront of Golden Elites Primary School. Kisumu, Kenya.
Phone: +254110 475 879

Email :


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